Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 24: S 10/6- Got Swamped

We took off the next morning with a nice tailwind. The crossing to the dam through the reservoir pool was a little nerve racking with roller barely breaking at the gunnel. The lock master saw us coming a ways out and filled for us before we got there. It was a nice, quick experience. He told us there was another group from Australia maybe that was 45 minutes ahead of us.
We made quick miles down the river mostly dealing with a speed freak yacht club. When we stopped for lunch, two racing yachts speed by and swamped our canoe which put me in a bad moods. The rest of the section was pleasant. We made it through lock #3 and stopped a half mile away on some state land and made a nice little campsite. We chatted with couple of fishermen who I was happy to run by there house the next day; sadly to find out that they only pulled in a 5lbs. catfish. Nice couple of gents though.

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